Let's talk about bullying

I am a young woman, usually I am pretty confident in my body. Over the years I have learned to accept all my 'flaws' and 'imperfections'. I've learned that I won't look like one of those models on the covers of fashion magazines. I will always look like I do no matter how much I compare myself to others. So I stopped comparing.
When I look in the mirror I see a young woman who learned to call herself beautiful, intelligent, compassionated and so on. But sometimes this image gets shattered by voices in my head that start telling me I am not worth it, that I am ugly, fat, stupid...
These voices weren't always only in my head. There was a time in my life when I got bullied because I was not the way they wanted me to be. I was this shy and slightly curvier girl who wasn't doing that great in school because she was too afraid to ask the teachers questions. I got called many names, which I won't mention, because they still hurt even though I moved on. I couldn't understand why they were so mean to me, so I started questioning myself. Over the time the questioning transformed into blaming. During that time a started writing a journal because I felt so lonely although I had a very supporting and caring family. I never told my parents what was happening in school because I was ashamed. Maybe it would have changed something if I had told somebody how I felt but I couldn't because I was still blaming myself for the things those other people did to me. I felt like I deserved it, I mean I was ugly and stupid and fat and creepy and disgusting, they had every reason to I thought. You know what? They hadn't any reason nor did they have any right to destroy someone's life in my case my childhood. I don't like looking back because I have mainly bad memories.
Still this day I don't know why they did that to me if it was because they were insecure or simply because they didn't like me.
However my message is that no one in the whole wide world deserves to feel this way. No matter how you look or what you do. If you feel that way right now know that you are not alone and that you don't need to be ashamed to talk with someone about it. People can help even if it doesn't seem to.
You are worthy, you deserve only the best in the world. You are beautiful. You are not what they want you to see. You are more than these words they are shoving down your throat. Never let them get what they want. They simply don't deserve it. They don't have any possible right to destroy your life nor someone else's.


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