Autumn Morning Routine

Autumn is the season of warm blankets and crisp air while trees loose their leaves and everything turns golden. In this time of the year I like to keep my mornings especially cozy and laid back.
So before I start I need to mention that I am pretty lucky with my uni schedule so I can have a real morning routine without any stress. Uni usually starts at 10 am and I wake up at 6:30 am every morning and have enough time to do all the stuff I want to do.

pictures and images from tumblr NOT MINE! 

First thing first I wake up at 6:30 am and the first thing I do when I'm awake is going to the toilet. Because let's be honest that's what we all do. And then I wash my face and my teeth.

After that I head straight to my bedroom open my window (if I haven't opened it in the night because I like fresh air when I sleep) and do my bed. Because doing your bed makes you feel really organized and ready for the day. While I do m bed I listen to a cozy fall playlist on Youtube.

As soon as my bed is made I go to the kitchen and make myself breakfast and lemon water. I know drinking lemon water in the morning seems so basic but it really helps my digestive system and I am less bloated during the day. And for breakfast I usually eat oatmeal or a smoothie bowl. But in the fall time I like to eat something warm so I eat most of the time pumpkin spiced oatmeal. (A recipe is coming soon)

Then I do my make up and get dressed. A blogpost for my favorite styles in autumn is coming soon as well.

As you can see my morning is pretty chill. So when I'm ready and all I have still plenty of time so I make myself a cup of hot green tea with lemon and watch Tv or Youtube video or just read a bit.

My biggest tip on having a cozy and relaxed morning is to wake up as early as possible so you don't get stressed. I know that waking up early seems so terrible but guys it isn't. At first it definitely is but your body get used to it. When I started waking up that early I thought that I was gonna die but with time my body got used to waking up early and now I wake up without an alarm clock. You just need to go to bed when your body tells you that you are tired. Most of the days I go to bed at 10:00pm.

I hope you liked that post and until next time!

Stay cozy xx


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